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Blog - trolling

It’s that time of the year again!

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Summer is a time for adventure, a time for discovering new hobbies, and most of all, a time for relaxation. From hiking mountains, to going scuba diving, to sitting outside tanning, individuals all have their personal activities that remind them of summer, and all that they define it with. Like a lot of you, fishing becomes the activity I look forward to every summer. Being a seasonal activity, there are long stretches where I long for the morning where I wake up early, and still half asleep, turn the car on and realize that in just a small amount of time I will be on the water. Then once I unhinge the boat and wheel it into the water, the day has begun, and the urge I had for previous months to go fishing has been filled, and I am rejuvenated. I am now in my element. I am now in my own personal trance, one that will last until the inevitable point where I cannot confidently proceed with a comfortable level of gas in the tank… Nondependent on the amount of fish I catch, it is always a successful day. M&M Fishing Lures, a local company started by current Massachusetts Maritime student, Matthew MacLeod, is aimed at enhancing this joyful experience. M&M Lures specializes in trolling lures such as: Umbrella Rigs, Spreader Bars, Daisy Chains, and also some casting lures, and Matthew himself hand makes each lure to the best of his ability.